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Version: SDK V4 (latest)

Bundler Methods

Following are the methods that can be called on bundler instance


When using these methods you will need to create a userOp. The accounts methods will help you in creating these for the paymaster methods below.


Although the Bundler has the sendUserOp method for sending a userOp to be mined on chain this is not something you would need to call yourself as it would be done when sending the userOp from the smart account. For a full rundown of this process click here.


After using sendUserOp you will recieve a userOpResponse which contains a string clled userOpHash

Using this userOpHash you can fetch the userOpReceipt which verifies that your userOp was handled on chain as a transaction.

const userOpReceipt = await getUserOpReceipt("0x....");

The full UserOpReceipt object type is shown below:

type UserOpReceipt = {
userOpHash: string;
entryPoint: string;
sender: string;
nonce: number;
paymaster: string;
actualGasCost: BigNumber;
actualGasUsed: BigNumber;
success: boolean;
reason: string;
logs: Array<ethers.providers.Log>;
receipt: ethers.providers.TransactionReceipt;


After using sendUserOp you will recieve a userOpResponse which contains a string clled userOpHash

Using this userOpHash you can fetch the original userOp that was created with this hash.

const userOp = await getUserOpByHash("0x...");

The userOperation will contain the followin values:

type BytesLike = Bytes | string;
type BigNumberish = BigNumber | Bytes | bigint | string | number;

type UserOperation = {
sender: string;
nonce: BigNumberish;
initCode: BytesLike;
callData: BytesLike;
callGasLimit: BigNumberish;
verificationGasLimit: BigNumberish;
preVerificationGas: BigNumberish;
maxFeePerGas: BigNumberish;
maxPriorityFeePerGas: BigNumberish;
paymasterAndData: BytesLike;
signature: BytesLike;

Additionally this response will contain the following:

type UserOpByHashResponse = UserOperation & {
transactionHash: string;
blockNumber: number;
blockHash: string;
entryPoint: string;